Tuesday, November 19, 2019

How to Feng Shui your office to attract success

How to Feng Shui your office to attract success How to Feng Shui your office to attract success Feng Shui is not just about moving furniture around, knocking walls, hanging lucky trinkets and getting rid of mirrors. It’s used all over the world by big companies, major corporations and the rich and famous around the globe to improve their lives and businesses.This 4,000-year-old practice is highly respected and considered a sacred practice in China. It’s a practical and tangible method for increasing abundance, health, and wellbeing.The irony of our lives in the modern day is we spend most of our entire lives struggling to increase our abundance and then spend billions of dollars universally trying to improve our health. However, there is an ancient tool that can support you to do just that with ease and flow.If you want to attract success, getting your office in order is a must. Your office is the visual representation of your business. The space where you work must spark joy, creativity, and abundance. So, let’s get to work, shall we?DeclutterFirst, we need to declutter. Clutter not only increases stress levels, affects focus and clarity, but it also causes you to feel stuck professionally, creatively, spiritually and financially. So, if you want to attract more clients, feel lighter, and welcome in new opportunities, it’s time to get your hands dirty.Decluttering can seem like a stressful endeavor, so break it down into manageable chunks that you can do one step at a time. Start with paperwork, then books. Then, move on to office supplies and anything that isn’t related to your business (we all know suitcases, kids’ toys, and exercise equipment work their way into strange places). Finally, make sure to get rid of anything that’s broken!And don’t forget about digital clutter. Your computer screen and hard drive should be clutter-free, too. Delete old emails and files that you no longer need. You might also want to create a digital vision board as your desktop background.The way you file your paperwork matters! Yes, you can Feng Shui your filing system by color coding your files to energize them for success.So, here are file colors that will help you attract more abundance, clients, and success to you along with decreasing bills: Investment and banking account information and statements in red folders, this is fire energy and it adds energy to them. Bills into blue or black folders so they aren’t energized. Clients in green folders for growth. Prospective clients in red folders because red attracts money. Things you would like to manifest go in purple folders; purple is the color of magic. Finally, when organizing your books, place them at the edge of your bookshelves. This serves to keep at the forefront of your mind.Seating optionsNext, let’s talk about chairs.If you’re going to be in control, you need a seat that says, “I’m the boss.” A supportive chair with a high back is ideal because it gives you support physically, emotionally and spiritually. Additionally, you should place your desk and chair so that there is a solid wall behind it also signifying support.Desk placement matters. Your desk, which should be made of wood, should not be placed in front of a window or with a door or window directly behind it. There should also be no exposed beams overhead. If you work in a space with multiple desks, arrange them so they all facing the same direction to avoid office politics.Picture thisFinally, let’s talk about artwork.The art you hang in your office should lift and nourishes your personal energy. Whether life imitates art or art imitates life, be sure t hat the pieces you choose to have in your environment reflect the kind of life you want to enjoy. It should represent the values you cherish and resonate with. To create better teamwork in an office, have a group picture of all the staff together. Place a picture of a solid mountain behind your desk this gives you support and protection against office politics and helps get your work and efforts recognized. A picture of stormy weather will lead to stormy business. A picture of boats tied up against a dock indicates a company is stuck.By making these small changes in your office, you’ll be working in the energy of abundance and flow, therefore attracting what it is you want into your business â€" success! There are many more ways you can set up your office for success! Visit PatriciaLohan.com for more tips and tricks.Patricia Lohan is an author, speaker and Feng Shui Expert. She is renowned for helping thousands of people understand and embrace Feng Shui to create their dream lives by tapping into the innate power of their homes and turning their living spaces into supercharged magnets for manifestation. Patricia lives in Bali with her husband Ken. You may have seen her in Forbes, She Knows, Essence, Mind Body Green, USA Today.

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